Online & in
Person Tutoring
for Everyone
We will give you the tools to succeed in learning English, German and Turkish.

We've Got You Covered
Proven Success: +90% grade improvement
We have a proven record that our students do better than that of other schools. We asses our English students according to the GCSE System from the UK, our standards are higher than the GCSE and the pass rate is 60% and expect our students to receive at least 90% plus. Currently all our students receive an average of over 90%, we are proud to achieve these rates through our student’s success.
A Different Approach
to Learning
Teachers Seek and Value Students' Points of View. Each student value and point of view is respected and therefore integrated into the class.
Classroom Activities Challenge Student Assumptions.
As assumptions is part of our daily lifestyle, we want our students to challenge the information taught to them and not just assume
it is the way it is.
Learning Plans
Teachers Build Lessons Around Big Ideas. The bigger the better, we always push our students to achieve better and teach them reach higher goals.
Teachers Assess Learning in the Context of Daily Teaching. With constant changing and new vocabulary, we the teachers need to stay up to the newest information and teach our students accordingly.
Cambridge English Level Assessment, working in collaboration with Cambridge University English program and uniquely developed
Registered School at
Cambridge University.
Certified Language Teachers.
About Us
Constructive Minds Learning CML derived from the teaching style constructivism, as we want our teachers to use this theory that involve learners and construct knowledge rather than just passively take in information. As people experience the world and reflect upon those experiences, they build their own representations and incorporate new information into their pre-existing knowledge.
We pledge that we use native speaking teachers to teach the languages that we offer.
We strive to keep up to trends and use the newest teaching material that give our students
the advantage in learning new languages.